Latest News from the Café team
New product

🎉 Introducing Café Pulse

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • June 10, 2024

Exciting news 🚨

Today, we’re releasing a whole new product to bridge the gap in employee engagement: Café Pulse 🎉

Café Pulse was designed to enable people to run surveys with any groups or custom audience (ERG, club, office, department...) in a few clicks ✨

📊 Track and improve employee satisfaction

Because data is a must-have for tracking and improving employee experience, most organizations rely on Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS).

An easy, straightforward - but very reductive way to measure satisfaction.

We wanted to change that. So we decided to create new ways to run lightweight pulse checks you can design in a few clicks ⚡

👋 Café Pulse, a seamless solution for collecting insights

Using Café Pulse, you can start designing your survey from our template gallery (like weekly NPS, monthly check-ins…) or build your own workflows 🤓

Now, you can seamlessly do the following:

  • Automate recurring surveys with pulses 🔄
  • Get your employee suggestions with polls 📊
  • Find the right template based on your needs ⚙
  • Use smart filters to customize your audience 👥
  • Track satisfaction and compare trends 🔍
  • Generate exports based on departments, offices, regions or groups 📈
  • Capture answers from all channels (Slack, MS Teams, Email...) 📩

Café Pulse is a big step towards improving people's satisfaction at work 🧡

📥 If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to our team

New product

🎉 Introducing Café Events

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • April 29, 2024

Groundbreaking news! 🚨

After months of hard work, we’re thrilled to announce the release of Café Events 🎉

An all-in-one event platform designed to streamline event creation, management, and communications for a frictionless experience ✨

🤔 Why is Café Events essential to our platform?

All HR teams face challenges when it comes to getting people engaged across their organizations, whether it's in-person or virtually.

We've seen this happen again and again in all industries and sizes, so we decided to fix it.

👋 Café Events, a seamless solution for engaging social gatherings

Manually curating guest lists and creating calendar invites is a hassle - so we designed an all-in-one solution that streamlines event creation, management, and communication.

Now, you can seamlessly do the following:

  • Run in-person, virtual and hybrid events 🌍
  • Create dynamic audiences from any affinity group 👥
  • Book conference rooms for large gatherings 🏢
  • Setup an automated waitlist ⏰
  • Connect your events to your Chat and Calendar tools 🔗
  • Customize your own RSVP workflow ⚙️
  • Send and collect feedback surveys 📝
  • Plan announcements and reminders 💌

We can't wait to see all the meaningful events you'll create with Café Events 🧡

📥 If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to our team

New feature

🖌️ Event Templates

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • February 21, 2024

Event Templates are live in Café: a new addition designed to make organizing and attending events seamless 🔥

🎉 When creating an event, you can now browse event templates with pre-set details such as name, banner, audience, capacity and more - making the event creation process faster and more efficient.

✏️ All templates are fully customizable, allowing you to tweak and tailor the details to perfectly match your event's unique vibe and requirements

With event templates, we aim to create a frictionless experience to focus on what truly matters: connecting, engaging, and building stronger connections across your organization. 🤝

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to our team 🧡

To get started, open Café and head to Events 🤗

Feature update

🆕 Event Pages

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • January 30, 2024

🆕 The New event pages are here! 🚀

This new update is crafted to empower event organizers to provide a comprehensive, engaging, and informative experience for your attendees.

With the new Event Landing Page, each event you create in Café gets its dedicated space where attendees can find everything they need to know about the event:

  • Event Essentials at a Glance: Date, time, location, audience, and RSVP forms are neatly presented.
  • Additional Information for Attendees: Provide directions, list things to bring, or customize with a unique cover photo to give your event a personal touch.
  • Engagement and Feedback Made Easy: Incorporate pre-event and post-event surveys directly on the landing page. This feature allows you to view and export survey responses, and even resend surveys to those who haven’t completed them.

🤝 It's all about giving you the tools to create an impactful, memorable experience for your team.

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to our team 🧡

To get started, open Café and head to Events 🤗

New feature

🗓️ All day & Multi day events

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • January 24, 2024

We are excited to announce the release of two new features designed to extend the possibilities of event planning in Café and enhance event experience: All-Day and Multi-Day Events 🗓️

📅 All-Day Events

Our All-Day Event feature simplifies the planning of full-day company events.

🎉 Whether it's a celebration, a team building day, or an extensive onboarding session, this feature allows you to create and customize events that span an entire day.

💡 Incorporate essential details like venue booking, schedule management, and even attach pre- and post-event surveys.

🤝 It's all about giving you the tools to create an impactful, memorable experience for your team.

Multi-Day Events

Taking it a step further, our Multi-Day Events feature caters to more extensive company events such as off-sites or extended work trips.

💡 Plan and customize every aspect of your multi-day event within Café: from logistics like accommodation and travel to gathering crucial information through pre-event surveys, we’ve got you covered.

🚀 These updates aim to make Café the one-stop-shop for all company events. From small gatherings, like lunches or team outings, to complex, company- or department-wide offsite events.

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to our team 🧡

To get started, open Café and head to Events 🤗

New feature

🔔 Event Reminders

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • January 22, 2024

We're excited to announce a new enhancement of your event management experience with the launch of 🔔 Event Reminders, an addition designed to ensure maximum participation and engagement in your company events. 🚀

📥 Using Event Reminders, event organizers can new send notifications to their audience, reminding them to confirm their attendance or decline the invitation.

💬 Reminders can easily be sent through various channels like email, Slack, Teams, or directly within Café.

🤝 Whether it's a gentle nudge to RSVP or a reminder of the event specifics, our goal is to ensure that every invitee is well-informed and engaged with your social initiatives.

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to our team 🧡

To get started, open Café and head to Events 🤗

New feature

🗳️ Event Polls

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • January 08, 2024

We're thrilled to introduce Polls, a new feature designed to empower event managers to engage directly with employees, collecting their preferences and opinions for future events 🎉

📆 With Event Polls, employees can vote on various aspects of upcoming events, such as the date, type of event, and location

📊 This inclusive approach ensures that the events truly resonate with the team's interests and preferences.

💡 Event Polls can be completed within Café but also Slack and Teams, making it accessible and convenient for everyone.

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to our team 🧡

To get started, open Café and head to Events 🤗

Feature update

📝 Pre Event survey

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • January 03, 2024

We are excited to announce the launch of pre event surveys in Café! 🚀

📝 Event managers can now gather essential information from attendees as they confirm their participation in any events.

💡 This new update allows the collection of customizable information such as dietary preferences, travel requirements... Enabling a more tailored and enjoyable experience for each participant.

Whether planning an in-person meetup or a more extensive offsite event, pre event surveys ensure that every aspect of the attendee experience is considered and customized.

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to our team 🧡

To get started, open Café and head to Events 🤗

New feature

Log as: Enhanced Administrative Capabilities for Platform Admins

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • January 03, 2024

We are excited to announce a new update in Café, designed to streamline organizational efficiency and enhance flexibility in employee scheduling: Log As (or Proxy Login)

Using the Log As feature, authorized users can now make changes on the behalf of other users, such as:

  • Set, edit and bulk edit status
  • Book, modify, or cancel office space reservations
  • RSVP for a remote or in-person event
  • Join groups, ERG's and regional hubs
  • Edit profiles information such as bio, contact information, teams, job title, working hours, or tags

💡 This feature was primarily designed for Executive Assistants to make updates on behalf of the Executives, to improve organizational transparency and planning:

  • This enhancement ensures that Executives' and Users’ schedules are up-to-date and visible to all employees.
  • It enables assistants to effortlessly reserve office spaces for their executives, ensuring a smooth office-going experience.
  • This also allows authorized users to RSVP to events on behalf of Executives, so that employees know when they can expect to see and connect with their leaders.

📥 To enable the Log As feature for your organization, reach out to Café via our in-app chat. Make sure to include a list of who needs access to the new feature, and which users they need to be able to log in as.

New feature

Event waiting list & Check in 📝

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • September 29, 2023

Managing event attendance just got a lot easier with our latest additions: Waiting List & Check in 🔥

This enhancement ensures that no potential attendee is left out - even when an event reaches its maximum capacity, and helps event managers to keep track of the attendance.

Waiting list now allows attendees to:

✅ Join the waiting list when an event is fully booked, ensuring they still have a chance to participate.

💡 Know exactly where they stand as they'll be informed of their rank on the waiting list and the total event capacity.

📆 Attendees will still receive a calendar invite with the event name, their position on the list, and the event's capacity - ensuring they're always in the loop.

ℹ️ Admins and Event Managers can easily view who's on the waiting list and export it - helping in decision-making processes, such as venue upgrades or additional event dates.

📝 Check in

Once the event has started, organizers can check in attendees from the event page - within Café, and export the list as well.

👋 Waiting List and Check in ensure that every attendee and organizer are acknowledged and kept informed: another step towards making our event management tool more comprehensive and efficient for all involved!

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to our team 🧡

To get started, open Café and head to Events 🤗