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Event waiting list & Check in 📝

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • September 29, 2023

Managing event attendance just got a lot easier with our latest additions: Waiting List & Check in 🔥

This enhancement ensures that no potential attendee is left out - even when an event reaches its maximum capacity, and helps event managers to keep track of the attendance.

Waiting list now allows attendees to:

✅ Join the waiting list when an event is fully booked, ensuring they still have a chance to participate.

💡 Know exactly where they stand as they'll be informed of their rank on the waiting list and the total event capacity.

📆 Attendees will still receive a calendar invite with the event name, their position on the list, and the event's capacity - ensuring they're always in the loop.

ℹ️ Admins and Event Managers can easily view who's on the waiting list and export it - helping in decision-making processes, such as venue upgrades or additional event dates.

📝 Check in

Once the event has started, organizers can check in attendees from the event page - within Café, and export the list as well.

👋 Waiting List and Check in ensure that every attendee and organizer are acknowledged and kept informed: another step towards making our event management tool more comprehensive and efficient for all involved!

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to our team 🧡

To get started, open Café and head to Events 🤗