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Feature update

🆕 Event Pages

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • January 30, 2024

🆕 The New event pages are here! 🚀

This new update is crafted to empower event organizers to provide a comprehensive, engaging, and informative experience for your attendees.

With the new Event Landing Page, each event you create in Café gets its dedicated space where attendees can find everything they need to know about the event:

  • Event Essentials at a Glance: Date, time, location, audience, and RSVP forms are neatly presented.
  • Additional Information for Attendees: Provide directions, list things to bring, or customize with a unique cover photo to give your event a personal touch.
  • Engagement and Feedback Made Easy: Incorporate pre-event and post-event surveys directly on the landing page. This feature allows you to view and export survey responses, and even resend surveys to those who haven’t completed them.

🤝 It's all about giving you the tools to create an impactful, memorable experience for your team.

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to our team 🧡

To get started, open Café and head to Events 🤗