Latest News from the Café team
New feature

đź”” Event Reminders

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • January 22, 2024

We're excited to announce a new enhancement of your event management experience with the launch of 🔔 Event Reminders, an addition designed to ensure maximum participation and engagement in your company events. 🚀

đź“Ą Using Event Reminders, event organizers can new send notifications to their audience, reminding them to confirm their attendance or decline the invitation.

💬 Reminders can easily be sent through various channels like email, Slack, Teams, or directly within Café.

🤝 Whether it's a gentle nudge to RSVP or a reminder of the event specifics, our goal is to ensure that every invitee is well-informed and engaged with your social initiatives.

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to our team 🧡

To get started, open Café and head to Events 🤗