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New feature

Communities 👥

Tim avatar
Shared by Tim • September 18, 2023

Find groups where you belong and create new interest-based connections, with Communities 👋

Communities is a dedicated space within Café where you can create, customize, and manage your own group (ERG's), making it easier than ever to increase employee engagement and collaboration 🔥

In today's work environment, fostering a culture of collaboration and engagement is more important than ever, Communities aims to:

🤝 Enhance Employee Engagement: Create a sense of community and belonging among employees
🎉 Boost In-Person Interaction: Encourage in-person interactions and events

🥤 Increase serendipity: Easily meet and create interest-based connections outside your team

Create or join a group 👥

  • Create and customize groups from the directory (name, description, banner…)
  • Search, join and invite people to groups
  • Filter users based on groups

Create or register for events 🎉

  • Create an event targeting a community
  • Register for group events

💡 Everyone can create and manage a community, regardless of your user type in Café.

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to our team 🧡

To get started, open Café and head to your Directory and Groups 🤗